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French Immersion Programs





​​​The French Immersion program is a Program of Choice. Parents wishing to enroll their children should register with the school offering the choice program in accordance with the catchment boundaries. Acceptance into the program will be provided based on sufficient space being available and in accordance with the program guidelines. There are two elemen​tary programs​, one middle school program and one secondary program.​

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Attention families' of 2025/26 grade 1 students. 
We will be hosting a family information night this March for students entering grade 1 in the 2025/26 school year. 

Please join our family information night:
  • Date: March 3, 2025
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Location: Γ‰cole Mission Central, 7466 Welton Street

**Information for families of stud​ents going in to grade 1 in 2025-26**

Now that your child has been in school for a year and understands routines, do think that your child would be a good fit for learning French as a second/additional language in the French Immersion Program?

You can register your child for 2025/26 grade 1 French Immersion at your French Immersion catchment school. To locate your French Immersion catchment school, please visit Locate your School.​​

We welcome 2025/26 grade 1 families to complete the following pre-registration form:
CLICK HERE for 2025-26 Grade 1 French Immersion Pre-registration Form of Interest 
***PLEASE NOTE:  the above LINK to the Pre-registration form is open from March 10th at 8:00 am and closes March 14th at 5:00 pm***​
