READ: What Trustee Candidates should know, by Charles Ungerleider
READ: Better Governance, by Charles Ungerleider
Boards of education co-govern school districts with the provincial government. B.C.’s Ministry of Education sets the curriculum, funding and legal framework for K-12 education. Trustees on a board of education work together to govern the school district and set direction on behalf of the community.
The School Act outlines the role of trustees and boards of education, including:
• Attending board meetings
• Setting school district policy
• Employing school district staff
• Managing school district budgets
• Hearing appeals where a staff decision affects the education, health or safety of a student
What is a School Trustee? << Click here to read how former BCSTA executive director Dr. Lee Southern explains the important roles of a trustee.
Trustees are community leaders. Trustees work with their board and community partners to ensure that all the students within the board’s jurisdiction have equal opportunities to reach their maximum potential. While members of the board act as representatives of their constituency,
their primary job is to participate in policy making and strategic planning in the interests of the district’s students. Trustees are grounded in promoting student achievement and well-being. Successful trustees manage to balance their governance role with the representative role, participating in decision-making that benefits the whole board while representing the interests of their constituents.
Candidate qualifications:
- Nomination by eligible electors
- 18 or older on Government issued documentation
- Canadian Citizen
- BC Resident 6 months+
- Not disqualified from running under law
Candidate Nomination Packages for the upcoming School District 75 election will be available for pick up starting Tuesday, August 9 from the following:
- Hope Recreation Centre (1005 6 Avenue, Hope, BC)
- FVRD Chilliwack office (45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC)
- Online at www.fvrd.ca/elections
Paper advertising will be taking place in local newspapers in August to notify the public that nomination packages must be received by the FVRD's Chief Election Officer between 9am on August 30 and 4pm on September 9, 2022. I cannot accept candidate nomination packages before that time period.
The rules you need to know about campaign advertising and financing are on the Elections BC website.
Candidates will require 2 qualified nominators (electors of the municipality). It is recommended that candidates obtain a third qualified nominator on the forms, just in case the nomination is challenged.
The Nomination Period runs from 9:00 am August 30 to 4:00 pm September 9.
Completed nomination papers are only accepted during the Nomination Period.
Nomination packages can be found online on: https://www.mission.ca/elections, or at the municipal office (8645
Stave Lake St, Mission, BC, V2V 4L9) for pick up since July 25, 2022.
Candidates are required to book appointments with the CEO – Jennifer, during that time to submit their candidate nomination packages. Several appointment slots have already been booked.
New Trustee Candidate Information Session: September 13, 2022 at 6:30 pm at Heritage Park Middle School Cafetorium, by Angus Wilson
Newly elected Trustee MPSD Orientation Session: October 25, 2022 at 6:30 pm at Heritage Park Middle School Cafetorium, by Angus Wilson
** IMPORTANT EXTERNAL EVENTS, should you get elected:
BC School Trustee Association (BCSTA) Orientation & New Trustee Academy: December 1 - 3, 2022 at Westin Bayshore, Vancouver
FNESC Annual Indigenous Education Conference: December 8-10, 2022 at Westin Bayshore, Vancouver
BCSTA Provincial Council, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, February 24-25, 2023
Inaugural meeting of the new Board of Education will be held on November 8, 2022 at 6:30 pm
Where? Ecole Heritage Park Middle School Cafetorium.