Schools are at the heart of every community, serving as hubs for learning, recreation, and social connection. At Mission Public Schools, we foster strong partnerships with various agencies and organizations committed to supporting student success. These collaborations reflect our community’s dedication to education and the well-being of our students. Below, you’ll find a range of resources that may be helpful to your family. If you need further support, please reach out to your school counsellor, youth care worker, principal, or one of our community partners.
There is lots to do in Mission!
Information about Bullying is provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division.
Comprehensive resource listing by category. Phone option available for resourcing and referrals, including crisis response
1-800-563-0808 (24-hour help line), or email
Community outreach, education, research and advocacy to ensure every Indigenous Child in BC has access to spiritually enriching, culturally relevant early learning and childcare services.
Family and individual support therapy, parent education, parent/ teen conflict/ mediation, life skills development, Family + Parenting Support, Immigrant Support and more.
- Childcare Resource and Referral CCRR: workshops and a toy lending library for parents and childcare providers.
- New Directions (FB) Online group for Men 19+, Mon 6 pm
- Settlement and Integration Services, 33179 2nd Ave, Mission, 604-826-3634Providing meaningful programming and support for families and individuals that are new to Canada and Mission.
Mission4Kids – Family Place
Family drop-in's for families and their children ages 0-6 years, specialty programs and parent education workshops
Indigenous families and their children ages 0-6 years old. Nutritious meal provided, parent drop-in, one-to-one educator and family outreach, and more.
Mission Sikh temple, 32086 Rai Ave, Mission(604) 826-3634 to register, Every Monday 11 am-1 pm
Mission Early Years (FB): Free drop-in Literacy program for parents and caregivers and their children, available at many of our local schools and outreach sites.
Physician-led, collaborative network dedicated to strengthening primary care in Mission, BC.
304 - 32555 London Ave, Mission, B.C., V2V 6M7, Phone:604-814-5500, Fax: 604-814-5517Regular immunization clinics by appointment. Infant feeding, newborn growth and development, support 6 days a week. Free fluoride varnishing for eligible children under 3 years. Speech assessments and support available for children under 5 years.
Options for Sexual Health: Birth control, counseling, low-cost contraceptives, STI screening, Pap tests, pregnancy testing and general sexual health information and referrals. Drop in but appointments preferred for Pap and STI testing.
Evidence-based children's health info for diverse families on social media from a network of trusted health professionals. This evidence-based health information is translated and adapted to help you make the right decisions for yours and your family's health.
Further resources from Student Services to support Inclusive Education
Mission Association for Community Living (MACL)
- Inclusive Programs for Children- Inclusive Programs for YOUTH
Monthly Events - click here
In-Person Morning connect sessions at Silverdale ElementaryIn-Person Morning connect sessions at Hatzic ElementaryIn-Person Morning connect sessions at Cherry Hill Elementary
Student empowerment by developing the skills, wellness, confidence, and self-reliance necessary for our children and youth to flourish and prosper throughout their life journey
Xyolhemeylh - Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS)Fully delegated Indigenous child welfare agency: family preservation, cultural programs, child welfare, alternative care. 1-800-663-9393, 1-866-851-4619 Child Protection, 1-800-663-9122 After hours
Email: (FVACFSS): Xyólheméylh
1-855-572-4453 (24/7), Charlene Paul, Phone: 604-796-9601,
has been helping people in the Lower Mainland for more than 80 years. Working with over 150 community partners, we fund over 300 programs each year to create a better future for children, families and seniors.
Support for transgender or gender diverse or who are questioning their gender identity. Information and support for family, friends, loved ones, and service providers.
32885 Ventura Ave #102, Abbotsford, BC V2S 6A3, 1-877-850-2686, 604-852-2686, ContactsSpecialize in child development and provide intervention and therapy for children birth to Kindergarten and family support in all areas of their development. Referrals are continuing to be accepted and services are being provided virtually and some visits will be made in person.
WEAVE (Women exiting abuse violence and exploitation), Mission Transition House33070 5th Ave, Mission, 604 820-8455, MissionOutreach@saraforwomen.ca24hr access 604-826-7800
PEACE - Prevention, Education Advocacy, Counseling and Empowerment program, Support Groups, Legal Booth, Santa Rosa Transitional 12-unit housing.
My House Mission Community Services
Haven in the Hollow
Mission Friendship Centre Society
Food Centre
Grace Station
Non-profit church – food hampers 12-1pm Mo-Thu
St. Joseph’s Food Bank
Starfish Backpack – Mission
Contact: Janet Chalmers
Snack Pack Society
SARA for Women
604-820-8455 (ext: 603)
Abbotsford Community Services Archway
Muslim Foodbank101-13085 115 Ave. Surrey
Provides free literacy programs to the Mission community. 📍 Location: 32860 Cherry Avenue, V2V 2T9
has created a toolkit for K-7 educators to help support students understand and manage anxiety. Information for Children, Youth and Adults about symptoms, disorders, and treatment.My Anxiety Plan: a self-directed anxiety management program for parents or individuals.>> ACCESS NO-COST COUNSELLING WITH TELUS HEALTH MY CARE <<Access FREE Anxiety Educator Resource here.
has created a toolkit for K-7 educators to help support students understand and manage anxiety. Information for Children, Youth and Adults about symptoms, disorders, and treatment.My Anxiety Plan: a self-directed anxiety management program for parents or individuals.
Access FREE Anxiety Educator Resource here.
Offers a free, virtual parent and caregiver coaching program to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit families across BC, whose children are struggling with the experience of big worries and fears, or what the Western worldview calls anxiety.
program for Indigenous girls, age 10-14
Find a private counsellor. Fee for service.
Early psychosis intervention program assesses individuals between the ages of 13 and 30 who are showing symptoms associated with Psychosis or are experiencing a recent decline in function at school, work or home AND have a family history of Psychotic disorder.
Now easier for BC young people and their caregivers to access free and confidential drop-in and scheduled counselling, peer support, groups and other services – plus tools and resources that help. Learn more at Abbotsford Foundry: Counselling, adolescent day treatment, Short Term Assessment Response Team, Early Psychosis Intervention, Abbotsford - Ridge Meadows Foundry
Now easier for BC young people and their caregivers to access free and confidential drop-in and scheduled counselling, peer support, groups and other services – plus tools and resources that help. Learn more at Abbotsford Foundry: Counselling, adolescent day treatment, Short Term Assessment Response Team, Early Psychosis Intervention, Abbotsford
- Ridge Meadows Foundry
Youth and Family Support services for ages 12 to 24 and their families, in Abbotsford and Mission. Drop-in programs, individual counselling, family counselling, workshops, groups…
604-587-3755An in-patient withdrawal management service for both youth and adults. Safe, supportive medically supervised environment for individuals withdrawing from the acute effects of alcohol and/or other drugs. Stabilization up to 30 days is available.Holding Hope support by
HoldingHopeMission@gmail.comNetwork of Canadian families impacted by substance-use-related harms and deaths. MSTH advocates to change failed drug policies and provide peer support to grieving families and those with loved ones who use or have used substances
Wellness Resources for Families.
1-877-820-7444: We listen, provide referrals and support.
1-844-782-7811 Abbotsford Short Term Assessment Response Treatment: Confidential mental health crisis intervention services for children and teens.
Get information on equity, emotional well-being, bullying and abuse, school and work, relationships, identity and more.
Online school wellbeing programs for Canadian Students, Parents, and Teachers
Student Mental Health Toolkit for youth, educators, school counsellors, and parents/ guardians who want to teach and promote mental wellness to Grades 4-7 and 8-12.
Resources that support the heart, the mind, and the well-being of children to help promote positive social and emotional development.
Mental health and substance use support, resources, and counselling with a mental health professional.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tools to help you cope with anxiety, using strategies to help you deal with everyday anxiety and specific tools to tackle a range of challenges.
App to help you understand and manage your anxiety including tools to help you monitor anxious feelings, practice physical and mental relaxation and build your own toolkit of resources to draw on as needed.
Small steps to take care of yourself and help you get through the day.
Free videos and resources for parents/caregivers of children with various behavioural challenges, based on the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model by Dr. Ross Greene.
Free webinar videos of the EFFT parent workshops offered at CYMH. For parents and caregivers struggling with the behavioural or emotional needs of their children.Ask Kelty Mental Health Tool
An interactive tool that can be helpful when looking for supports and services in BC for Children and youth.
Benefits for Life: Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years
BREATHR App young adults try a variety of mindfulness practices, from guided meditations to simple practices that can be used anywhere.
Free program from the Canadian Mental Health Association that helps you build skills to improve your mental health.
Tips and tools on how to engage kids in meaningful dialogue about substance use.
Health education resources for youth to explore their thoughts and perceptions about vaping.
Resource for parents with children with ADHD, Dyslexia
Awareness around social and emotional development in the early years. By BC Healthy Child Development Alliance
Over 80,000 free guided meditations from over 10,000 teachers on topics like stress, relationships, healing, sleep, creativity, and more.
604 820-3337, email Cassie at cassie.silva@bigbrothersbigsisters.caBuilding a child’s future through the friendship and guidance of mentoring. Providing volunteer mentors to children through community-based mentoring, in-school mentoring and after-school group mentoring programs. Services are provided virtually or socially distanced depending on the program at this time.
Class School supplies lists for next year are usually distributed at the individual schools at the end of the school year along with Report Cards. Some can be located on Staples School Tools website and can be pre-ordered online.
Science Rocks!
Tutor Lady
Large Tutoring
Tutor Doctor
Small group learning initiative provided by Mission Public Schools, in partnership with the City of Mission and community agencies, with funding through a federal grant called W.R.A.P (Wellness through Restorative Action and Practices). It Is an opportunity for students to, reflect, restore, and reconnect with their schools and community. The most common reasons for referral include prevention of worrisome behaviours, development of relationship skills and healthy decision-making ability, and building a sense of belonging and connection with supportive adults. Needs referral by School Admin.
For youth ages 12 to 18 who are engaging in high-risk behaviors (i.e., shoplifting, gang violence, etc.). A committee will decide if they get accepted or if other referrals are a better support.
Supporting Abbotsford youth (12 to 18 years of age) who are sexually exploited or at high risk of sexual exploitation.
Shelter beds for youth up to 24 years. Walk-in 2616 Ware Street, Phone #: 604-859-5773 (24/7).
32555 Simon Ave, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4Y2,, Ph: 604-200-3203 A not-for-profit society operating in the Fraser Valley that offers local advocacy to youth.
Ridge Meadows Ball Hockey
Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows - Mission
Mission Minor Baseball
Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club
Project Climbing Centre - Abbotsford
Mission Hawks Cricket Club
*Grants for limited income families are available up to $400 per child/year, for kids who live in Mission. Limited income is defined as those families making under the low-income cut-off as defined by the Canadian Revenue Agency. More info and online registration is available at the KidSport Mission webpage here:
KidSport will also support kids who wish to participate in after-school sports programs in general. If MSS or the middle schools are running a basketball team or volleyball team, etc. and there are kids who would like to participate but can't because they can't afford the team fees, Kidsport will cover that for those underprivileged kids.
For the most up-to-date information on programs & services, please visit us at:
Registration for 2024-2025 (May 2024)Sparks (ages 5-6) - 1st Mission Spark Unit @ E.S. Richards Elementary, Mondays, 6 pm (#244704)Embers (ages 7-8) - 1st Mission Ember Unit @ Mission Central Elementary, Mondays, 6:15 pm (#244701) - 8th Mission Ember Unit @ Windebank Elementary, Tuesdays, 6:15 pm (#244705)Guides (ages 9-11) - 1st Mission Guide Unit @ Christine Morrison Elementary, Tuesdays, 6:30 pm (#9813)Pathfinders (ages 12-14) - 2nd Mission Pathfinder Unit @ Windebank Elementary, Tuesdays, 7 pm (#9816)Rangers (ages 15-17)Adults (ages 18+)
Embers (ages 7-8) - 1st Mission Ember Unit @ Mission Central Elementary, Mondays, 6:15 pm (#244701)
- 8th Mission Ember Unit @ Windebank Elementary, Tuesdays, 6:15 pm (#244705)
Guides (ages 9-11) - 1st Mission Guide Unit @ Christine Morrison Elementary, Tuesdays, 6:30 pm (#9813)
Pathfinders (ages 12-14) - 2nd Mission Pathfinder Unit @ Windebank Elementary, Tuesdays, 7 pm (#9816)
Rangers (ages 15-17)
Adults (ages 18+)
Mission Horse ClubA registered non-profit organization. Offers public riding facility in the Mission area for all equestrian uses.
Farm and horse camp for Spring Break: an outdoor adventure, learning, and hands-on experience with animals.
Matsqui Stables (FB)
Kids Jiu Jisu, Kickboxing and MMA
Mission Music Lessons
Mayday Club Youth Choir
The voice of neurodiversity. Neurodiverse youth-run federal charity based out of Abbotsford BC, that aims to erase the stigmas surrounding neurodiversity and help neurodiverse youth across BC make real friendships and gain valuable real-life skills through experience.
The City of Mission offers a variety of recreation and leisure programs and opportunities, both indoors at the Leisure Centre or outside among the stunning natural landscapes. Explore Parks & Trails, Facilities, Leisure Guide, Pop-up Programs, Aquatics, Health & Fitness, Gym Sports, Skating & Ice Sports, Club K.I.D.S.
Scouts Canada
Beaver Scouts (ages 5-7)Cub Scouts (ages 8-10)Scouts (ages 11-14)Venturer Scouts (ages 15-17)Rover Scouts (ages 18-26)
Register here: session will be held on May 9th at Play Abby.
Did you know, Scouting is co-ed?Did you know, Scouting has programs for participants from age 5 up to age 26?
Mission Skate Park
Mission Skating Club
Abbotsford Soccer Abbotsford UnitedApex Football AcademySpring Break Poster 2025Royal Soccer Club Royal Soccer Club 2025 Day Camp PosterRoyal Soccer Club 2025 Volunteer Poster
Spring Break Poster 2025
Royal Soccer Club 2025 Day Camp PosterRoyal Soccer Club 2025 Volunteer Poster
The Royal Soccer Club, a registered non-profit community organization, is proud to host their 31st annual popular grassroots summer soccer day camps. The program is designed to promote personal development, team building and of course, FUN! Uniquely designed to offer a soccer focus in the morning and a leisure swim with other organized activities in the afternoons to all children aged 5 to 13, the program operates during all weeks in July and August. For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-427-0536.
Mission Softball Association
Important Change to the Learn To Play (LTP) Program, if you're interested in registering your son/daughter head on over to our website for more information.#learntoplaysoftball #kidsport
Important Change to the Learn To Play (LTP) Program, if you're interested in registering your son/daughter head on over to our website for more information.
#learntoplaysoftball #kidsport
Floor hockey, bowling, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, and track and field programs for local individuals with intellectual disabilities. We also offer FUNdamentals for children with intellectual disabilities ages seven to 11.
Fully inclusive summer camp where everything is accessible for children with medical conditions and disabilities. Camper Applications for our 2025 Winter Family Camp are now open: zajacranch.campbrainregistration.comThis program will take place on the Family Day long weekend in February 2025 and families can expect to partake in traditional camp activities like swimming, climbing wall, vertical playground, skynet, archery, swimming, campfire, petting zoo and more as well as a plethora of new winter-based activities! Parents/ Guardians will also have a chance to connect with other families who have similar lived experiences. Winter Family Camp is open to all families of campers who attend our usual summer camp programs as well as to families of new campers who are considering sending their child to Zajac Ranch in the summer.Spaces are limited and applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis so make sure to submit your family's application asap! **Winter Family Camp applications close October 30, 2024 at 11:59pm**For any questions regarding camp applications please contact the Registration Manager at
A leadership and learning summer camp for queer, trans, Two-spirit, questioning and allied youth, ages 14-21. View poster here.
Mission Marlins Swim Club
Jesters Theatre is a program that welcomes all youth including those who are neurodiverse or struggling.It is our hope to provide a safe space that is welcoming for students who may not have other options in the summer months.We also provide free or reduced cost registration to those who may need it.Our offices are located at Cedar Valley Church across from Albert McMahon School.Look for our Youth Unlimited RV around Mission.
Volleyball programs such as drop-ins, training clinics, tournaments & leagues for youth & adults
Elevate Volleyball ClubGirls: 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17UContact: Amanda Dick elevate.volleyball.board@gmail.comServing: Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Langley, Maple Ridge, Mission, & ChilliwackJunior CascadesTryouts are held in December and the season runs January through April/May.Girls: 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U 14U, 15U, 16U Jenn Cook jrcascades@gmail.comServing: Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Aldergrove, LangleyRaincity Volleyball Club Train to Play, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 18UBoys: 14UContact: Jeni Robinson: raincityvc@gmail.comCity / Town: Mission (15U and 17U Girls)
Girls: 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17UContact: Amanda Dick elevate.volleyball.board@gmail.comServing: Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Langley, Maple Ridge, Mission, & Chilliwack
Tryouts are held in December and the season runs January through April/May.Girls: 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U
Boys: 14U, 15U, 16U
Contact: Jenn Cook jrcascades@gmail.comServing: Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Aldergrove, Langley Train to Play, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 18UBoys: 14U
Contact: Jeni Robinson: raincityvc@gmail.comCity / Town: Mission (15U and 17U Girls)
The Fitness Lab - Youth Development
Wildplay Maple Ridge