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Kindergarten Registration


Kindergarten Registration Information 2025/26

Mission Public Schools is excited to welcome your child(ren) to the school district. The kindergarten registration procedure outlines information about the required documents and other important details.

The 2025/26 kindergarten pre-registration is available online during the below-outlined dates.

It is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Each online registration is time stamped.

After you complete and submit the online form, the school will contact you to set up an appointment to verify supporting documentation to finalize your child's registration.

French Immersion Kindergarten Registration Week:     January 13 - January 17, 2025

English Kindergarten Registration Week:                         Jan​uary 20 - Janu​ary 24, 2025 ​

​Here's what to do for Regular Kindergarten
Registration week, January 20 - January 24, 2025:

  1. Read the Kindergarten Registration Procedure 2025-2026​ and Registration Guide for Parents-G​uardians.​
  2. Locate your Catchment School: Baragar School Locator
  3. Click on your CATCHMENT SCHOOL link below and complete the Pre-Registration form (available Jan. 20 - Jan. 24, 2025). 
  4. Indicate if you will be applying for a Cross Boundary Request. This does not guarantee you a spot at the requested school.
  5. Download and save (Ctrl + S) the Registration Package​​​ before editing or obtain a copy from your catchment school.
  6. Your school will contact you to arrange an appointment to complete the registration. 
  7. Take your documentation with you to your appointment (i.e., Proof of Age / Proof of Residency in BC and Proof of Physical Home Address (for Catchment Area Schools). No Registration will be complete until ALL applicable documents have been provided to the school.
  8. Families registering after registration week can contact the school to arrange a registration appointment. Spots are given on a first-come, first-served basis.

***Further information regarding Regula​r Ki​ndergarten Pre-Registration***​

  • ​Only complete your catchment school's form (cross boundary interest will be listed on form).
  • If you are having issues opening the link below, please open it in a different browser.​

Please visit your French Immersion catchment school to register for 2025/26 French Immersion Kindergarten​

 *** OPEN FROM 6:00 AM, JANUARY 20, 2025 TO 6:00 PM, JANUARY 24, 2025. ***

Albert McMahon Elementary

Cherry Hill Elementary

Γ‰cole Christine Morrison Elementary

​Deroche Elementary

Dewdney Elementary

Hatzic Elementary

Γ‰cole Mission Central Elementary​

Silverdale Elementary

Stave Falls Elementary


Here's what to do​ for French Immersion Kindergarten Registration week:
 January 13 - January 17, 2025:​​

  1. Read the Kindergarten Registration Procedure 2025-2026​​ and Registration Guide for Pa​rents-Guardians​.
  2. Locate your Catchment School: Baragar School Locator
  3. Click on the French Immersion Pre-Registration Link below and complete the Pre-Registration form ( Jan. 13- Jan. 17, 2025). 
  4. Indicate if you will be applying for a Cross Boundary Request. This does not guarantee you a spot at the requested school.
  5. Download and save (Ctrl + S) the Registration Package​ ​​before editing or obtain a copy from your catchment school.
  6. Your school will contact you to arrange an appointment to complete the registration. 
  7. Take your documentation with you to your appointment (i.e., Proof of Age / Proof of Residency in BC and Proof of Physical Home Address (for Catchment Area Schools). No Registration will be complete until ALL applicable documents have been provided to the school.
  8. Families registering after registration week can contact the school to arrange a registration appointment. Spots are given on a first-come, first-served basis.

***Fu​rther information regarding French Immersion Pre-Registration***​

  • Students with older siblings in the French Immersion Program of Choice are given priority access to the program.
  • Only complete one Kindergarten French Immersion form (cross boundary interest will be listed on form).

  • If you are having issues opening the link below, please open it in a different browser

Please visit your French Immersion catchment school to register for 2025/26 French Immersion Kindergarten

CLICK HERE:  French Immersion Pre-Registration Form



Kindergarten | Inclusive Education Information:

​​​​    ​Students with Disabilities and/or Diverse Learning Abilities:




