Mission Public Schools are proud to offer a variety of
Early Learning and
Childcare (*link to site specific to Childcare) opportunities such as StrongStart and other preschool programs. For questions, you can email Mission Early Years Navigator, Brianne Huish or reach out by phone.
District Principal, Early Learning & Childcare, Karen Gréaux
| 604-826-6286 Ext. 3311
Early Years Family Navigator (birth- 5 years), Brianne Huish
| 604-219-3311
Early Years Family Navigator (birth-5 years), Laura Teigen
| |
Middle Years Family Navigator (5-8 years), Nicole Raible
Early Literacy Information for Parents and Caregivers
All About Early Literacy - Information from the Ministry of Education and Child Care
Early Development Instrument (EDI)The EDI system opens January 29 and closes on March 9 at midnight.
Link to the Parent/Caregiver webpage, which has Frequently Asked Questions and detailed information about the EDI project.
If teachers have any other questions or concerns, please direct them to the EDI team at edi@help.ubc.ca or 604-822-6317 / 604-827-5504.
If parents/caregivers have any concerns about their child's participation, please direct them to Marit at marit.gilbert@ubc.ca or 604-827-5504.
Ready, Set, Learn
Ready, Set, Learn venues are held at all of our elementary schools and we, as educators and community members, have worked collaboratively to share ideas and strategies on how best to support young children in becoming lovers of language and books. It truly has been a "grass roots" project, borne from the idea that we truly can make a difference when we work together as a community to "raise readers" in Mission.
The provincial information on “Ready, Set, Learn", and "Early Learning Framework" can be found by clicking the links.
StrongStartStrongStart is a no-cost play-based program for children and their parent/caregiver. Typically, it starts the third week of September and follows the school calendar. We provide rich play-based learning environments to support early learning development – language, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. Children have opportunities to meet and interact with children of similar ages, and parents/caregivers become part of a supportive community. StrongStart is a wonderful way to become familiar and comfortable with the school system and assists with a gentler transition to Kindergarten.
Families will register at the StrongStart site of their choice, but can attend any StrongStartcentre.
Registration and Location Information
StrongStart is a drop-in program, parents and caregivers can come with their children to any location, at any time, during the hours posted below. To register your child for StrongStart, please complete the registration form and submit it to the StrongStart Facilitator at one of the listed schools.
Please note: In addition to completing the registration form, you must also provide proof of age documentation. Acceptable proof of age: birth certificate, passport or visa, permanent resident card, or other documents issued by Immigration Canada.
Download the registration form by clicking on the image to the right or click here.

Upcoming Events
Ready, Set, Learn is all about fostering positive connections between families, the school system and local community agencies. Elementary schools that enroll Kindergarten classess hold Ready, Set, Learn events in their schools or communities. These events provide a fun, family-oriented atmosphere with the intent of supporting children's transitions into school.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook @MissionEarlyYearsSD75.