Board Meeting Highlights | June 18, 2024
The Board of Education would like to thank École Christine Morrison Elementary for hosting the meeting and to their Choir performing one of the Good Medicine Songs together with the Music Teacher, the Principal and Vice Principal. The Students presented the Board with a beautiful Shxweli - Life Spirit, made by Division 4
2024-2025 Budget Bylaw The three (3) readings and adoption of School District No. 75 (Mission) Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2024/2025 was carried out in one meeting and the (Preliminary) Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2024/2025 was adopted. The documents have been uploaded to the Budgets, Financials & Reports site: Language Courses Update- Late French Immersion: Due to a very low registration, the program will NOT be offered in September 2024
- Punjabi Language Course: Staff reviewed results of a survey assessing the community's interest in learning Punjabi. We have had 109 applications of interest; however, there was not enough at any specific school. Due to the notable interest in the Kindergaten grades. Staff will look into bringing some future language exposure programs similar to Halq'emeylem teaching, as a full language course is not feasible at this time.
2024-25 Board Meetings Schedule
The following Board Meeting Schedule was approved:
2024-25 Board Work Plan
The draft 2024-25 Board Work Plan was approved. The Plan is a fluid document and will be reviewed again in September. It is the Board's desire to highlight the strategic priorities and include them in the Plan, as well as, reaching out to the local Rights Holders to schedule meetings with Leq'á:mel, Semá:th, Máthxwi, Sq'éwlets and Qwó:ltl'el First Nations. You can view the Work Plan HERE.
Cultural Days FundingThe Board of Education resolved THAT the Board of Education directs staff to fund Indigenous Cultural days from operational funds, not from Rights Holder targeted funding going forward.
This was based on the rationale that nominal roll on-reserve students already have the cultural knowledge and Cultural Days should be part of public education of Indigenous Worldviews and culture as part of truth and reconciliation. Targeted funding is for the education of Indigenous students and to narrow the graduation gap. Major Capital Plan Submission for 2025-2026
The Board of Education resolved THAT the following Major Capital Projects be submitted to the Ministry of Education for consideration of funding in the 2025-2026 five-year capital plan, in priority order in each category:
Addition: Albert McMahon Elementary
New School: Cedar Valley Elementary School (considering 275-300 student school at the Cedar Valley site the school districts owns) (area of Cedar St and Emiry St)
Replacement / Renovation: Hatzic Elementary School (priority)
Site Acquisition: Hatzic Area – for Hatzic Elementary Replacement (secondary option)
Silverdale Central Neighbourhood
- New site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan
- Second new site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan
Board Meeting Highlights | May 21, 2024
The Board of Education would like to thank Mission Secondary School for hosting the Board Meeting in May.
Student Leadership Council PresentationThe Board has been delighted by a presentation from the Student Leadership Council, who has taken on the initiative and identified long-term and short-term goals. Some of their efforts include community building between schools and the Mission community (Kindness lessons, community movie night), help for struggling students (tutoring), building relationships between students and staff, course fair led by students, drug use and addiction prevention campaign led by students.
Early Learning & Childcare Department UpdateThe District Principal and the Early Learning Navigators have provided a review of what connections the department has been building within the community. The staff have been connecting young families with resources and community partners: Fraser Health - Dental & Immunizations, Mission Association for Community Living MACL, Family Smart, Ministry of Children and Family Development MCFD, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, SARA for Women, Child and Youth Mental Healh CYMH, Mission Community Services Society MCSS: Child Care Resource and Referrals CCRR, Settlement workers for new immigrants, IPALS, Family Place , Mission Literacy in Motion MLiM, Mission Parks and Recreation PRC, Mission Library FVRL to promote smooth transitions to school.
Téméxw te í: The Land of this Place The Indigenous Department staff have presented about the process of creation of the course, and shared experiences, as the first year of teaching Téméxw te í: The Land of this Place is nearing the end. Three of the five First Nations (Sq'éwlets, Leq'á:mel, Semá:th) have now signed an agreement letter to co-operate in creation of the course going forward. 85 students have come through the course so far. The students shared they got to go outside, to location, to experience learning about the area hands-on, including canoe journey from Kilby to Mission, Fishing Field Trip, Plant Foraging and Harvesting, Water Stewardship, Visits to the Nations, Leq'á:mel and Sq'éwlets, Visit to Xá:ytem.
Trustee Remuneration - Annual Adjustments
This information was provided for reference, as in accordance with Trustee Remuneration Policy, adjustments are to be made based on CPI Index, to take effect on July 1 every year. Prior to this, there has not been a significant raise or adjustment in 12 years. Further discussion may take place at a later date, as becoming a Trustee may be excluding younger people with families from running for the position, as the remuneration is not equal to a full-time job.
Quarterly Report ending March 31, 2024The Board has received and reviewed the Quarterly Report. You can access and read the Report here.
Riverside Course Approvals
The Board of Education approved THAT Riverside College deliver the following SkillsTradesBC (ST) Programs and related courses to school age students, school aged graduates (under 19 years of age), and adults (over 19 years of age):
School District No. 75 program delivery Automotive Service Technician Foundation Program (ST Designation) Hairstylist 1 Foundation Program (ST Designation)
Plumber Foundation Program (ST Provisional Designation)
Hairstylist 2 Program (ST Provisional Designation)
Post-Secondary Partnership delivery (Memorandum of Understanding Agreement) Construction Electrician Foundation in partnership with UFV
Professional Cook 1 in partnership with VCC
Use of Fields
The Board of Education resolved to continue the past practice of not charging fees for use of school district fields, to make the use of fields affordable to families.
Booking of School District Facilities
A motion to bring back all community and school bookings of school facilities and fields back to the school district has been defeated by the Board of Education.
District School Code of ConductBased on the Safe, Caring and Respectful Schools Policy and Procedure for Codes of Conduct, Staff approached some principals that some of the Codes of Conduct are missing the elements of the Ministerial Order. MPSD codes of conduct are vastly different. Covid pandemic unfortunately stepped in and paused the work that was started. Staff continue working towards creating a standardized template that all schools should start from. Each individual school is different, and appreciate some autonomy in creating their individual Code of Conduct.
Policy Review - Approved (new and reviewed policies)Shared for Information:
Board Meeting Highlights | April 16, 2024
The Board of Education would like to thank Fraserview Learning Centre for hosting the Board Meeting in April and would like to express appreciation to FLC students for preparing their FLC Highlights and Introduction.
MSS Global Education: Review of the trip to Bahamas
MSS teacher K. Matheny and the Global Education 12 students shared personal experiences and a short video from the trip. The group traveled to South Andros island, Bahamas (March 16 – April 1, 2024) to help the local high school build a composting facility to promote sustainable local farming. The students did not have wifi access and got to experience local island living in simplicity. The students expressed a newly acquired appreciation for the freedom, services, and life we have in Canada. The trip was impactful and the students have built lifelong friendships.
MSS Replacement UpdateThe Senior Staff shared the MSS Funding Announcement Letter from the Minister of Education and Child Care, Rachna Singh, and the Funding Agreement Correspondence received so far p.1-7 of the Agenda.
Trustee Code of Ethical ConductThe Board of Education approved the April 2024 revision of the Trustee Code of Ethical Conduct Policy p.10-21 of the Agenda. Updated Policy on the website can be found here.
HR Department Update
The Director of Human Resources provided an update on the operation of the HR Department. HR is proud of implementing new software modules that allow streamlining submission of documents, job postings, new electronic remedy data processing, and reduced paper use. Challenges are observed due to overall staff shortages (EAs, Bus Drivers) p.22-23 of the Agenda.
Security Cameras Update6 sites in the district have security cameras installed, all from different manufacturers and different technologies. Most are approaching the end of their usability. The district does not have enough resources to replace existing, nor to add new systems to remaining schools. MSS has the best system; however, it has yet to lead to catching someone vandalizing the property. As such, security cameras are not a priority at this time p.24-25 of the Agenda.
Emergency Planning in SchoolsThe Board directed staff to collect comprehensive information regarding what is currently happening in all MPSD sites regarding planning for emergency situations. What resources are available to students and staff? How are resources collected and funded? Equity is to be considered. Information to be reported back to the Board.
Feeding Futures: 3 year PlanStaff shared a 3 year plan prepared considering the preliminary research and testing undertaken by the Manager of the Feeding Futures Program. You can access the document here. ONLINE RESOURCES PROVIDED BY FEEDING FUTURES:
Capital Bylaw for Capital works for 2024/2025Capital Plan Bylaw 2024/25-CPSD75-01 was approved. The bylaw covers: Deroche Elementary Roofing Upgrades, Edwin S. Richards Elementary Roofing Upgrades, Mission Central Elementary HVAC Upgrades, and a purchase of a Bus for 80+ students.
Summary of Development ReferralsA summary of development referrals received in 2023, and the anticipated impact on enrolment over the next three years was presented for information (p. 52 of the Agenda).
Grad Events 2024Commencement Ceremonies and Grad events for Mission Senior Secondary, Fraserview Learning Centre, and Riverside College were shared for information (p. 53 of the Agenda)
Board Meeting Highlights | March 12, 2024
The Board of Education would like to thank Silverdale Elementary School for hosting the Board Meeting in March.
2024-2025 School District CalendarThe Board of Education and Senior Staff reviewed feedback from education partners (Principals, Teachers, Support Staff, and the general public). Thank you for all the submitted responses! Bound by the Ministry of Education and Childcare's BC School Calendar regulation, Mission Teachers' Union's and CUPE's Collective agreements, the final 2024-2025 MPSD District Calendar has been approved. You can view the calendar here, or navigate to it from the main MPSD.CA website >> District Info >> Calendar.
Purchasing and Procurement Policy and ProcedureThe Board of Education did a final review and the Purchasing and Procurement Policy was finally approved. It can be found in MPSD's online Policy Manual, under MPSD.CA >> Governance >> Board Policies >> Section 6 - Finance You can view the Purchasing Policy here. The Purchasing Procedure can be found here (District Info >> Administrative Procedures and Forms >> Section 6 - Finance).
Mental Health Review (district-wide)Suicide risk assessments for 2023-24 are down overall but show an increase in higher-risk cases, prompting staff collaboration to review protocols and supports.
This year's mental health grant focused on fostering belonging, promoting the safe school policy, and enhancing mental health literacy and SEL. Staff initiatives included kindness sessions and book clubs, while student-focused efforts included leadership teams, kindness programs, and wellness initiatives.
Parent engagement included family nights and emotional focused family therapy sessions. Integrated Child & Youth Team (ICY) has received over 60 referrals, supporting 50+ youth and caregivers, and enhancing access to support services. Health & Safety Update
H&S Manager provided a brief report. Staff is working on streamlining the claims process. We have less claims than comparable employers, but claims are still relatively high. We need to improve training and staff's overall buy-in in the health & safety systems and processes.
Enhancing Student Learning Report
The Superintendent reviewed the Ministy's feedback on MPSD's compliance Enhanding Student Learning Report, submitted in September 2023. In next year's report, staff will focus on the highlighted areas (deeper analysis, assessments).
NEW Use of Technology (Cell phones) Policy
Premier Eby requested all districts to create policies about cell phone use. MPSD will be in compliance with the request, and the Board of Education has approved the DRAFT Use of Technology Policy in principle. We have provided feedback from Committee of the Whole, and existing policies and articles from around BC for reference.
Board Meeting Highlighlights | February 20, 2024
The Board of Education would like to thank Cherry Hill Elementary School for hosting the Board Meeting in February. Racism in the Media & SchoolsJudy Tran's Capstone project presentation was shared about Asians being misrepresented in the media and Judy's personal experiences at school. Stereotypes played on tv impact how people are perceived. Racism and xenophobia are still deeply embedded in the public today. We need to spread awareness, highlight different cultures, to create a more informed and inclusive student body.
BCSTA Advocacy PlanThe Board Chair will submit three advocacy priorities to BCSTA on behalf of the Board of Education of School District 75 (Mission), in response to BCSTA’s February 2024 advocacy survey: 1. Student outcomes 2. Sustainable funding for childcare and ECE 3. Recruitment and retention of educators
Distinctions Based ApproachThe document was shared for review in January. The Board discussed acknowledging "house rules," as there are over 200 First Nations in BC. The rights and pre-existing ways of governance are important to acknowledge.
Operations Department UpdateThe Director of Operations provided a brief review of the department and highlighted projects finalized and in progress (HVAC updates, new phone system, new servers, etc). The department is facing challenges with staffing & retention of staff with limited budget. Increase in need of major repairs is noted. Changes to provincial (and municipal) building code and requirements and fire code changes also bring challenges. Aging buildings - deferred maintenance needed is amounting to $216 million.
Quarterly Report, December 31, 2023
How are we doing Report - Indigenous Education
2024-2025 Enrolment ProjectionsEstimates have been submitted to the Ministry.
District-wide Code of ConductThe Assistant Superintendent has been doing a lot of work on the Respectful Schools Policy. The Legislative requirement has been shared. We are slowly building the environment up. The Board and staff agree that there needs to be some common language. Schools need to have some ownership of their codes of conduct, and of course, be age appropriate. More work to be done.
Board Meeting Highlights | January 23, 2024
Riverside College Presentation
Riverside College hosted the Board meeting, and Riverside students presented their highlights about Riverside College programs.  Click here to access Application of Interest
English Language Learners (ELL) Department Review
A brief update about ELL department was provided. (Agenda p. 4-5)
International Department Review
The Manager of International Education provided a presentation about the department's activities to date. (Agenda p. 6 - 45)
Indigenous Department Review
The Principal of Indigenous Education provided a presentation about the Department's operations. (Agenda p. 46-86)
Motion to Amend Board Meeting Procedures Policy 1.4
Any individual Trustee may bring an action or motion to be placed on the agenda as a right of said Trustee, to be voted on during the meeting.
Closed Meeting Agenda Items
The Board of Education DEFEATED the Motion that only items that fall under Land, Legal, or Personnel be placed on closed meeting agendas. As per existing Policy 1.4 Board Meeting Procedures, clause, sometimes, conversations that could potentially harm the school district can also be discussed in a closed meeting setting.
Board Agreement SigningThe Board of Education DEFEATED the Motion for all signatures on behalf of the Board of Education to be signed by the Chair or Vice Chair as approved by the Board for any governance documents, agreements or legalities. Any other person signing on behalf of the Board must have prior approval by motion passed by the Board. Most operating agreements for the district are signed by senior staff. If all signatures were to be approved by the Board, the overall operation of the district would be slowed down.
Indigenous Knowledge KeeperThe Board of Education RESOLVED THAT the Board and staff, in consultation with the traditional territory Rights Holders we as a district occupy, engage in the feasibility of having a Knowledge Keeper for the school district.
Purchasing and Procurement PolicyThe Board of Education RESOLVED THAT the Draft Purchasing and Procurement Policy 6.3 be approved in principle, circulated to Budget Managers, Principals, Partner Groups, Indigenous Communities, and the Public for further comments, and then returned to the Board for final approval. Visit Engage MPSD by clicking here to Review the Policy and PROVIDE FEEDBACK. Auditor Appointment Fiscal Year Ending June 2024The Board of Education RESOLVED THAT KPMG LLP be appointed as external auditor for the School District’s Financial Statement Audit for the year ending June 30, 2024.
2023-24 Amended Budget BylawThe 2023-24 Amended Budget Bylaw was read 3 times as required and APPROVED. Links to the the documents:
Liaison Report FormatThe Board discussed the format of reporting to the public to provide relevant information that would benefit the district.
Information: Distinctions Based ApproachDistinctions-Based Approach Primer | December 2023
A proper understanding and application of a distinctions-based approach is necessary for the provincial
government, and is of particular importance for those public servants who are involved in decisions regarding the Province’s relations with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit in British Columbia.
![]() The term “Indian” was drawn from the federal Indian Act and is now used primarily in that statutory context. The term “First Nation” is now commonly used to describe the preexisting Indigenous Peoples who are distinct from Inuit and Métis. The term “aboriginal peoples” is used in the Constitution Act, 1982 to collectively refer to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples and, therefore, has been used in common law (court decisions) to date. The term “Indigenous” has now replaced the term “aboriginal” as the generally accepted term to collectively refer to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. This term should be used intentionally and should not be confused with the term “First Nation,” pursuant to the distinctions expressed in this document.
Each ministry and agency across the Province must apply a distinctions-based approach in the development and implementation of its policies, legislation, programs, operations, and funding initiatives, and in its engagement and relationships with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. This work must be done in a manner that reflects a distinctions-based approach and correctly identifies and engages the appropriate rights-holders. The Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, with support from other ministries and working with First Nations and Indigenous organizations, will continue to provide guidance regarding a distinctions-based approach, and strategic advice for implementation of a distinctions-based approach across government.
Board Meeting Highlights | December 19, 2023
The Board of Education would like to express thanks to École Mission Central Elementary for hosting the meeting, and to MSS Culinary staff & student crew for providing a delicious meal. Principal Merry shared 3 videos of MCE students singing and spreading the holiday cheer to the Cedars Assisted Living residents earlier this month. Good job! The Board enjoyed and appreciated the performance very much.
Strategic Plan 2023-2026 The Board of Education has approved the new Strategic Plan to guide the work of the Board and District Staff for the next 4 years.
We would like to thank all the people reviewing our Strategic Plan project on EngageMPSD, via email, and for providing feedback. We have shared a page with stats for the project on the EngageMPSD portal as well.
HMS Rebranding and updateHatzic Middle School has become the home of the Hawks. HMS staff and students will be working to create a logo in the new year. *As of November 10, 2023, for easier access to the school, Hatzic Middle School address has been updated to:
34875 Moffat Avenue, Mission BC V2V 6S1
Notices of MotionThree Motions from Trustee Cairns will be considered for approval in January 2024. Trustee Liaison and Committee AppointmentsThe Board of Education has approved the following changes to the Liaison Appoinments following Trustee Cairns' resignation from the liaison appointments to Siwal Si’wes Indigenous Education Council, the Indigenous Liaison, and the alternate Liaison to the Trades Training Advisory Committee.
- Trustee Shelley Carter as the alternate Liaison to the Indigenous Education Advisory Council (Siwal Si’wes)
- Trustee Shelley Carter as the Indigenous Liaison
- Trustee RandyCairns as the alternate Liaison to the Mission Community Wellness Committee
- Trustee Jash Bains as the Alternate to the Trades Training Advisory Committee
International Field Trip Application - London and Paris 2025Mission Senior Secondary School's application for the international field trip to London, England and Paris, France, during the spring break inMarch 2025 for approximately 36 students in Grades 11 and 12, was approved.
International Field Trip Application - Australia 2025Mission Senior Secondary School's application for the international field trip to Sydney and Cairns, Australia, during the spring break inMarch 2025 for approximately 24 students in Grades 11 and 12, was approved, pending review by the Director of Finance.
MSS Night School
The Board of Education approved a resolution THAT the School District offer to both high school and adult students of Mission a Night School
program from January to June 2024, through Mission On-Line;
AND THAT staff are to report back to the Board in May 2024 regarding the financial and educational
viability of offering the night school program again in 2024/2025. Update:  Click here for Program Information Enrolment Form: 5 Mission Online Evening Session Work n Learn.pdf
Public Interest Disclosure Policy AmendmentsThe Public Interest Disclosure Policy 2.6 and the corresponding Public Interest Disclosure Procedure 2.6.1 amendments were approved, as the province has provided additional legislation to remove Trustees from being subject to the policy.
Board Meeting Highlights | November 21, 2023
The Board of Education would like to express thanks to Hatzic Middle School for hosting the meeting, and to MSS Culinary staff & student crew for providing a delicious meal.
City of Mission, Arts & Culture Department DelegationThe Manager of Arts & Culture noted a new Arts & Culture master plan development and inquired about collaboration and partnering with Mission Public Schools to engage youth and the community.
Updated ADST Cart Resolution, Trades Training Advisory CommitteeThe Board approved the amended recommendation by the TTAC, to pilot the ADST carts in a few elementary schools this school year, 2023-2024. Silverdale Elementary and Albert McMahon Elementary showed interest in the program.
Environmental Technician Course The Board continued the conversation with Staff about the possibility of offering a micro-course at Riverside College. Leq’á:mel First Nation and VIU are currently running a similar program. Riverside has no classroom or storage available. Having only a 5-week course may not work with our school calendar.
Amended Capital Plan Submission - BusesThe Board approved a resolution THAT the 2024/2025 Minor Capital Project Funding request be amended to include four replacement buses and two new buses totalling $1,347,282 and be resubmitted to the Ministry of Education for consideration of funding in 2024-2025. The amendment comes after a request for an additional 78 bus spaces.
Bus Driver ShortageThis year, Education Assistants and Bus drivers are in a shortage. We have not needed to cancel a route yet; however, the manager of transportation had to drive a bus on numerous occasions. It will likely be an ongoing issue. The District is still looking to hire additional bus drivers. Click here for more info.
Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)The Board approved the 2022-2023 Statement of Financial Information, which includes a report on compensation of employees beyond $75,000/year.
Trades Training Advisory Committee RecommendationThe Board approved an amended recommendation for the school district to complete a District Inventory of useable spaces for trades programs.
Amendment to Policy 1.4An amendment to Policy 1.4 Board Meeting Procedures was approved, to add a sentence: “There will be no video, audio, streaming or other technical recordings of Board meetings without the Board of Education authorization."
Quarterly Report ending September 30, 2023The report summarizing district departments’ activities ending September 30, 2023, has been reviewed and published on the website. You can read the report here.
Office of the BC Human Rights Commissioner LetterThe Board and Staff discussed the recent request of the BC Human Rights Commissioner sent to the BCSTA FV Branch regarding School Liaison Officers. The relationship of the Mission School District with the Mission RCMP School Liaison has been positive, and there is no need for change.
Board Meeting Highlights | October 17, 2023
The Board of Education would like to express thanks to Dewdney Elementary for hosting the meeting, and to MSS Culinary staff & student crew for providing a delicious meal.
Rotary Starfish Backpack ProgramThe Board received a pr-esentation highlighting a program ran entirely by volunteers. The Rotary Club of Mission Sunrise partnered with Mission Community Services and Save-on-Foods to provide backpacks filled with food every weekend for 110 families in 14 Mission schools. The Starfish Backpack Program has no barriers and the identity of the children is only known to the schools. Hungry children cannot learn. Fundraising is ongoing throughout the year. As the District is working on hiring a manager for the Feeding Futures funds, the Starfish Program will be considered looking at while allocating the resources.
Student Services Department UpdateThe Director of Student Services presented an overview of the department's work and introduced some staff members. The number of students accessing student services exceeds designations, and students with designations now exceed 1000. This year, the district hired 210 Education Assistants -EAs (33 more then last year). ICY = Integrated Child and Youth Team has been established to work with students with moderate to mild Mental Health Concerns. The Accessibility Plan for the District has been completed, and is available for viewing here. Portable for 2024 School YearThe Board of Education approved ordering a new portable classroom for use beginning in the 2024/2025 school year, with a budget estimate including installation of $220,000 to be funded from surplus funds.
School Growth Plans for 2023-2024
The Board has reviewed School Growth Plans submitted by the Principals. A couple of them are yet to be submitted, following major last minute edits. The Superintendent will review and the Principals will be self-reflecting.
Trustee Committee/Liaison Appointments 2023-2024The Board reviewed and approved the 2023-2024 Trustee Committee/Liaison Appointments. Information Items:
Notice of Motion to Amend Policy 1.4 Board Meeting Procedures was submitted by Trustee Cairns – Motion will be presented in November.
BCSTA Letter to David Eby was shared. Premier Eby is open to supporting the Boards in regards to the recent protests and disruptions to various board of education meetings in communities across BC.
Special Public Meeting Highlights | September 26, 2023
2023/2024 Capital Bylaw Amendment
The Ministry notified the district that we will receive additional funding. It is noted that MSS would move the kitchen equipment purchased with this funding when the school is replaced. The required 3 readings of the Bylaw amendment took place and the Amended Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD75-03, a bylaw for the Amended 2023/2024 Capital Plan, was approved. Link to document can be found here.
2022-2023 FESL ReportThe 2022-2023 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) Report was accepted for review, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Childcare before October 3, 2023.
2022-2023 Annual ReportThe 2022-2023 Annual Report was reviewed and approved for release before September 30, 2023.
Board Meeting Highlights | September 19, 2023
The Board of Education and Senior Staff meet in the evening once a month for the Public School Board meeting. This year, the Mission Secondary School Culinary Staff and Students chose to prepare meals for the Board, allowing students the opportunity to showcase their culinary talents. Preparing these meals fosters creativity, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment. We are very grateful to the students and staff at MSS for being so accommodating and thank them very much. Election of the Board Chair
Trustee SHELLEY CARTER was declared to the office of Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission).
Election of the Board Vice-Chair
Trustee LINDA HAMEL was declared to the office of Vice-Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission).
Board Meeting Dates and Locations
The Board of Education changed the date of the planned April Public Board Meeting from April 23, 2024, to April 16, 2024 and confirmed the locations of the Board meetings as follows: - September 19, 2023 - Heritage Park Middle School
- September 26, 2023 (Special Public Meeting) - Heritage Park Middle School
- October 17, 2023 - Dewdney Elementary School
- November 19, 2023 - Hatzic Middle School
- December 19, 2023 - Mission Central Elementary School
- January 23, 2024 - Riverside College
- February 20, 2024 - Cherry Hill Elementary School
- March 12, 2024 - Silverdale Elementary School
- April 16, 2024 - Fraserview Learning Centre
- May 21, 2024 - Mission Senior Secondary School
- June 18, 2024 - Christine Morrison Elementary School
Preliminary School Opening ReportThe Superintendent provided that MPSD enrolment is up 171 students, compared to the 127 originally budgeted for, creating pressures on some schools, as the district is nearing 7000 students overall. Two Integrated Child and Youth clinical counsellors and one support worker have been hired.
Summer Learning ReportThe Superintendent shared that over 170 students enrolled in 30 various Math and Humanities courses. 89% of students successfully completed Summer school, compared to 69% last year.
2023 Financial StatementsThe Board of Education has accepted the audited School District No. 75 (Mission), June 30, 2023, Financial Statements.
2024 Multi-Year Financial PlanThe 2023-2024 Multi-year Financial Plan for the years 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026 was approved.
Minor Capital Program 2024/2025 Requests
The 2024/2025 Minor Capital Project Funding request report was approved to be submitted to the Ministry of Education for consideration of funding in 2024-2025: Bus
| $ 857,920
| Playgrounds
| $ 195,000
| SEP Projects
| $ 775,000
| CNCP Projects
| $ 815,000
| Total
| $2,642,920
| Annual Executive Compensation DisclosureThe Public Sector Executive Compensation Report dated September 19, 2023, was approved to be submitted to the BC Public School Employers’ Association, along with an Attestation Letter signed by the Board Chair.
2023-2024 Borrowing ResolutionThe Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer have been authorized to borrow on behalf of Mission Public School District (School District #75) from the Scotia Bank for the 2023-24 operating year, up to:
$1,500,000 in an Operating Line of Credit $750,000 in a revolving term / Scotia leasing.
*This resolution is an annual requirement, and the district has not needed to draw on this funding since the current Senior Staff started with SD75.
Pilot Project ADST Kits for upper elementaryThe Board of Education had decided to consider the Trades Training Advisory Committee’s recommendation for the school district to pilot Applied Design Skills and Technology (ADST) kits in Intermediate grades in up to three elementary schools.
Riverside College: EA and Plumbing Program updateA small technical change has taken place, the Community Support Worker (CSW) part of the program has been removed from the Education Assistant (EA) program.
The Plumbing course got the SkilledTradesBC designation. This is a first-year apprentice-level course and also contributes to Grade 12 graduation.
Community Wellness Strategy
FSA Letter was sent to Grade 4 and Grade 7 ParentsYou can read the letter here. Fist Nations Education Steering Committee's Letter (2021)
Land acknowledgment was updatedAll district communication/email signatures should now be using the updated version of the acknowledgement, as new plaques displayed at school entrances declare we embrace our commitments to strengthening partnerships and relationships with all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.
Il stl’i kw’els spipetstexw kw’eset ite xwelmexwelh stexwlaq temexws ye Stó:lō mestiyexw.
Mission Public School District is located on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unsurrendered, and Shared territories of Stó:lō people, of Leq'á:mel, Semá:th, Máthxwi, Sq'éwlets and Qwó:ltl'el First Nations, stewards of this land since time immemorial. Halq'eméylem is the language of this land and of Stó:lō ancestors.
The place from where Halq’eméylem (Upriver dialect) originates is Leq’á:mel. The language comes from the land, and it has been this way since time immemorial.
 Le Conseil scolaire de Mission est situé sur les terres traditionnelles, ancestrales, non cédées et partagées du peuple Stó:lō, des Premières nations, Leq'á:mel, Sema:th, Matheqwí, Sq'éwlets et Qwó:ltl'el, peuples de cette terre depuis des temps immémoriaux.
Supervising for Safety
All Trustees have completed the WorkSafe Training Course.