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Student Services Staff




​Phone and Extension

Director of Instru​ction, Student Services

​Tom Nguyen

604-826-6286 Ext. 3704

​​District Principal, Student Services

​Beth-Anne Cullen​

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3323

Department Staff

​District Teachers:​​


​Phone and Extension

​Teacher of Students with Visual ​Impairments

​Barbara Landa McAuliffe

​Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Carolyn Schulz

604-826-6286 ​Ext. 3716

​​District Educational Assistant Mentor​

​Celeste Coldwell​

​District Inclusion Mentor Teacher

​Lisa Stevens​

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3329

​​​District Inclusion Mentor Teacher

​​Sandra Norum

​​604-826-6286 Ext. 3332


​District Psychologists:​​


Phone and Extension


​Cheryl Ainsworth

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3325


​Lynde Hill​

​​604-826-6286 Ext. 3328

​Lori Patterson
Check out Lori's Public Profile here.

604-826-6286 Ext. 3337

Karen Vermeulen

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3310

​Speech Language Pathologists:


Phone and Extension


​Gina McCarty

604-826-6286 Ext. 3306

​Sarah Blois

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3305

Taranjit Sidhu​

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3326

​Verity Howarth

604-826-6286 Ext. 3308

​Wendi Aasland

​604-826-6286 Ext. 3309

​Children & Youth In Care Advocate:


Phone and Extension


​Jody Shaw



​​​​Hospital Homebound Teacher:​


​​​​​Phone and Extension

Mandeep Sandhu

​​District Education Assistant​s:​​


​​Inclusive Child Support Worker​

​​Brenna Pennell

Counsellors: ​Name

​​Ammy Arthur

​Catherine Hall​

​Gareth Bartlett

​​Gary Flynn

​Jody Shaw

​Karli Bartlett

​Lorette Tataryn

​Meg Kruger

​​​​Mila Djordjevic

​Monica Nguyen

​​Rachel Vaessen

​Susan Curror

​Yvonne Hale

​​Youth Care Workers: Name

​​Amber Schievink

Colleen Smith

​Cyndi McLachlan

Danielle Nipius (District YCW)

​Frank Wachal​​

​Jivan Rai​

​Joan Velestuk

​​Julie Gerbrand

​Kirsten Castonguay​

Sandy Faulkner

Sara Hobson​


​​ICY Team

​Melissa Crapo

​Clinical Counsellor


​Bernadette Thiessen

​Clinical Counsellor


Inderpreet Herr

Youth Peer Support Worker​


​Cash Mang

​Youth Peer Support Worker
