Board Meeting Highlights | September 17, 2024The meeting was held at
Deroche Elementary School. Thank you, Deroche for hosting and the warm welcome. The Board has appreciated visiting again.
Election of Board Chair and Vice Chair
Tracy Loffler was voted in and declared to the office of Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission). Linda Hamel was voted in and declared to the office of Vice-Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission).
We would like to thank the outgoing Chair, Trustee Shelley Carter, for her dedication to the Board of Education and Mission Public Schools and congratulate Trustee Loffler and Trustee Hamel to being re-elected into their roles.
Meet the Board and read their Bios HERE.
_________ *Unfortunately, the first scheduled presenter was not able to attend the meeting and sent in their apologies due to road complications beyond their control. _________
HPMS Field Trip to Montreal, QC, June 2025 Application & PresentationThe Board received the presentation by mentor teacher C. Anderson and teachers K. Parsons, and A. Crump. After reviewing the documentation, the application for HPMS Field Trip to Montreal, QC from June 20, to June 25, 2025 for up to 45 students in grades 8 and 9 was approved.
Joint Use Agreement with the City of Mission and Harmonizing Rates with the City of Mission
The Board reviewed the proposed draft Joint Use Agereement and draft revised Administrative Procedures. The Board requested a direct comparison of the City Rates next to the School District Rates. The Joint Use Agreement and harmonizing rates will be considered for approval at a later date.
School Opening Report
Mission Public Schools' enrolment is up by approximately 100 students, slightly above the original projections. Around 140 TTOCs were hired. The Student Cell Phone policy seems to be relatively successful at this time.
Silverdale Elementary will be celebrating 65 years since opening on
Friday, September 20th, 3 - 7PM. More details here.
The District is very short of Bus Drivers. Do you know anyone that would enjoy transporting students and working for the district as a Bus Driver?
We are hiring! Click the picture above.
About the Job: School Bus Drivers typically drive 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, with occasional routes available in between for field trips. Hours are normally between 6:30 am - 9:30 am and 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Drivers work during the school year from September to June and are off work for all breaks. The district also offers
FREE Class 2 training for interested individuals that do not already hold their license. Please share this opportunity with your family, friends and neighbors and interested individuals are encouraged to apply on Make a Future:
Apply Here
Summer Learning Report
This year, Summer Session was provided by Mission Online - 156 students enrolled, 132 have been activated. Of those, 122 completed, which is over 90% completion rate. The vast majority were MSS or Mission Online students.
MSS UpdateThe Secretary-Treasurer provided a detailed update, which was published on the
MSS Replacement Engagement Site. MSS Update will be a standing item on the Agenda each month going forward.
Read the September 2024 Update HERE.
Audited Financial Statements for School District No. 75 (Mission) DRAFT
The Auditor presented information to the Board at a special closed meeting on September 17, 2024. The findings of the audit will result in a letter expressing an opinion on the audit from the Auditor, which must be included in the published financial statements. The Draft audited Financial statements were accepted by the Board of Education. Comprehensive information on the financial statements will be presented with the financial statements on September 24, and then published on the website and submitted to the Ministry of Education by September 29th, 2024. Minor Capital Requests for 2025-2026In accordance with provisions under section 142 (4) of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission) hereby approves the proposed Minor Capital Plans for 2025/2026, as provided on the Capital Plan Summary for 2025/2026 submitted to the Ministry of Education and Childcare.
2025/2026 Minor Capital Plan Summary
a. BUS
$ 1,135,406
b. SEP $ 1,450,000
c. PEP $ 195,000
$ 2,100,000
$ 4,880,406 Facilities staff have reviewed the building maintenance needs of the school district and have prepared the list presented at the meeting to submit to the Ministry by September 30, 2024, requesting funding for the 2025/2026 school year. The Ministry usually approves the funding in the spring each year, so that the projects can be completed early in the next school year.
Executive Compensation Disclosure
The Board of Education resolved THAT the Public Sector Executive Compensation Report dated September 17, 2024 be approved and submitted to the BC Public School Employers’ Association, along with an Attestation Letter signed by the Board Chair. School boards are required annually to prepare the Public Sector Executive Compensation Disclosure Report.
Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2024-25-CPSD75-02
The School District requested funding to replace a bus that was in an accident in the Spring. The district received insurance proceeds to cover a portion of the bus replacement. The Ministry will cover the remainder. A capital plan bylaw was approved in April 2024 for capital funding approved for the 2024/2025 school year. The additional funding amends the original bylaw. The Board of Education approved the Capital Plan Bylaw after the required three (3) readings.
You can read the Bylaw here.
2024-2025 Borrowing ResolutionThe Board of Education resolved THAT the Superintendent and Secretary Treasurer be authorized to borrow on behalf of Mission Public School District (School District #75) from the Scotia Bank for the 2024-25 operating year, up to: $1,500,000 in an Operating Line of Credit
$750,000 in a revolving term / Scotia leasing.
This is a standard operating resolution required to be approved every year.
Before and After School Childcare UpdateThe District Principal of Early Learning and Childcare provided an update on registrations in SD75 Childcare programs. Read her update HERE. Visit the Early Learning Page Visit the Childcare Page
Trustee Hamel - Recognition of Service and her 2021 Retirement
The Board and Staff formally recognized Trustee Linda Hamel for her 32 years of dedicated service to Mission Public Schools. Linda started her career with Mission Public Schools in February 1989 as a classroom teacher and retired as a school principal.
Linda formally retired from her employment with School District No. 75 in 2021. Shortly after retirement, Linda rejoined the school district as a TTOC. This retirement/rehiring led to the computer system omitting Linda’s name from the official 2022 computer generated list of retirees.
In January 2022, the board approved the Employee Service Recognition Policy to recognize employees' service with the school district. As Linda had retired before June, Linda was also omitted from the list of employees being recognized for their years of service when the policy was rolled out.
In the fall of 2022, Linda resigned from her TTOC position to accept her Trusteeship with the School District. Linda has served the school district as a teacher, vice principal, principal, and continues to provide valuable service to the school district as a trustee.
It is only fitting to publicly acknowledge Linda’s long service to this organization.
Amended Board Work Plan
BCSTA Indigenous Education Committee Liaison Report
Trustee Cairns presented his highlights of the BCSTA IEC Meeting. BCSTA formal report should be coming shortly.
Letter to Parents RE: Foundation Skills Assessments (FSAs)
Information about FSAs can be found on
Parents Resources & Links >>
Foundations Skills Assessment (FSA) The outgoing Board Chair, Shelley Carter, wrote a letter to Mission parents about the importance of FSAs.
Read her letter here.
UFV Mission Opening UpdateUFV Mission campus open house took place on Saturday, Sept 14, 2024, to showcase the updates after a major renovation to create a new home for their
School of Education. Having new teachers study in Mission will be beneficial for MPSD. With the completion of the Mission campus renovations, UFV is proud to open doors to a space that embodies the spirit of Stó:lō culture and the joy of learning. Built with culturally significant materials and adorned with Indigenous art, this campus represents UFV’s commitment to decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation. Learn more about UFV’s reimagined centre for education when St’elt’elawtexw, UFV’s Community Report, is launched on Sept 10.
King Charles III Coronation Medal RecipientsOn Saturday, September 7, 2024, as published by
What’s On Mission Magazine, MLA Pam Alexis and MLA Bob D’Eith presented the King Charles III Coronation Medal to two recipients tied closely to Mission Public Schools. Coronation Medals are only issued after the ascension of a new monarch.
Principal Jim Pearce and the long time Strong Start Coordinator, now retired,
Diana McCall, were the two recipients. The Board would like to congratulate both of the recipients. Congratulatory Letters from the Board of Education are being sent to both of the recipients.