Special Public Meeting | June 28, 2023Major Capital Plan Submission 2024-2025The Board of Education rescinded the resolution that was approved at the June 20th, 2023 meeting (to correct an error in the year specified). The following amended resolution was approved:
THAT the following Major Capital Projects be submitted to the Ministry of Education for consideration of funding in the 2024-2025 five-year capital plan, in priority order in each category: Addition: Albert McMahon Elementary
New School: Cedar Valley Elementary School
Replacement / Renovation: Hatzic Elementary School
Site Acquisition: Hatzic Area – for Hatzic Elementary Replacement
Mission Secondary – for MSS Replacement
Silverdale Central Neighbourhood
New site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan
Second new site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan |
Board Meeting Highlights | June 20, 2023
MSS Culinary Students - Board Dinner
MSS culinary students prepared one more five-star meal for the Board of Education to bring the school year to the end. The Trustees and Senior Staff have all thoroughly enjoyed the meal and thank all the students and kitchen staff for their work and creativity!

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Policy 2.0)
The Board of Education approved the NEW Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy 2.0. You can access Policy 2.0 HERE. Safe, Caring and Respectful Schools (Policy 3.0) The Board of Education approved the NEW Safe, Caring and Respectful Schools Policy after Staff completed a fulsome review of the policies that addressed student behaviour, conduct expectations, and processes used for addressing student behaviour. In addition, the development of procedures to address student behaviour has been modified to support a learning process as opposed to a punitive process. You access Policy 3.0 HERE. Safe, Caring and Respectful Workplaces (Policy 5.0)The Board of Education approved the NEW Safe, Caring and Respectful Workplaces Policy after the 2019 update in compliance with WorksafeBC requirements. The policy and procedure focus on workplaces, and processes for employees. You can access Policy 5.0 HERE. Global Education Trip to Bahamas in 2024The Board of Education revised the resolution from the previous meeting. The Application for International Student Travel of 30 students of MSS Global Education 12 to South Andros, Bahamas on March 16 – April 1, 2024 was approved. Early Learning ReportThe Board received a presentation of the Environmental Scan prepared by the District Principal of Early Learning and Childcare. Presentation slides were included in the Agenda. Major Capital Plan Submission 2024-2025The Board of Education approved the Major Capital Funding requests being submitted to the Ministry.
Addition: Albert McMahon Elementary New School: Cedar Valley Elementary School Replacement / Renovation: Hatzic Elementary School Site Acquisition: Hatzic Area – for Hatzic Elementary Replacement Mission Secondary – for MSS Replacement Silverdale Central Neighbourhood - New site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan - Second new site for new development in Central Neighbourhood Plan Food Infrastructure Program – Capital SubmissionThe Board approved the Food Infrastructure Program capital funding requests for 2023-2024 being submitted to the Ministry: - Equipment, Site Improvements, MSS $94,000
- Equipment, HPMS $84,178
- Equipment, Space upgrades, Various schools $45,500
Appointing Financial AuditorKPMG LLP was appointed as the external auditor for the School District's Financial Statement Audit for the year ending June 30, 2023. Board Annual Work Plan
The Board revised and approved the 2023-2024 Annual Work Plan. Click the link to read it.
Board Meeting Schedule for 2023-2024The following schedule of meetings was approved: Special Closed Board Meeting at 8:30 am on September 5, 2023 Board Meetings at 6:30 pm on September 19, 2023 September 26, 2023 (Special Public Meeting) October 17, 2023 November 21, 2023 December 19, 2023 January 23, 2024 February 20, 2024 March 12, 2024 April 23, 2024 May 21, 2024 June 18, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meetings at 3:30 pm on September 12, 2023 October 3, 2023 October 10, 2023 (SCOTW, Childcare) October 24, 2023 (SCOTW, Educ. Priorities) November 7, 2023 December 5, 2023 January 9, 2024 January 16, 2024 (SCOTW Amend. Budget) February 6, 2024 February 13, 2024 (SCOTW Amend. Budget) March 5, 2024 April 9, 2024 May 7, 2024 May 14, 2024 (SCOTW Prelim. Budget) May 28, 2024 (SCOTW Prelim. Budget) June 4, 2024 June 11, 2024 (SCOTW Prelim. Budget) 2023-2024 Budget BylawThe Board carried out the required 3 readings and adopted the School District No. 75 (Mission) Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2023/2024. You can view the bylaw here:
Annual Budget Bylaw, September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 - Annual Budget - Preliminary Supplemental Information Access to TrusteesThe Board of Education affirmed the right of the public to access elected trustees with concerns. This right also applies to any individuals employed by Mission Public Schools and should have no negative employment consequences for individual exercising that democratic right. Board Information Link. Email to get in touch with all of the Trustees: trustees@mpsd.ca. 2023-2024 Annual Facilities Grant
A list of the maintenance work planned for the 2023/2024 school year paid for with AFG funding was provided in the Agenda for information. 2023-2024 School District Calendar
The Board shared the FINAL, JUNE 15, 2023 VERSION of the District Calendar, reflecting the new reporting order. You can find the Calendar here: District Info >> Calendar (District): https://www.mpsd.ca/Programs-Services/SDC
Board Meeting Highlights | May 16, 2023
MSS Culinary Students - Board Dinner
MSS culinary students prepared a five star meal for the Board of Education. 
 MSS Global Education - Vietnam 2023
MSS Global Education staff and students presented a video and a slideshow (click links to view) with experiences from their trip and building a library for a local village. Staff also presented the plans for a trip in 2024, to South Andros, Bahamas.

Student Forum Results
The Board of Education listened to Student Voice: representatives from Hatzic Middle School, Heritage Park Middle School, Mission Secondary, Mission Online, and Fraserview Learning Centre (click the link to view) presented the summary of 4 Student Forums. The students voiced their concerns and suggestions for solutions on Student Safety.

Komagata Maru Storyboards
Mike Dickinson and representatives from the Mission Community Heritage Commission presented commemorative storyboards to educate students about the event of Komagata Maru in 1914 (click link to view). The Storyboards present research and contributions from Satvinder Bains (UFV) and Raj Toor. The display storyboards will be shared with the school district, and will be circulated through the schools, as the event is part of the curriculum of Gr 6 and high school courses.
Health & Safety Update
The Manager of Health, Safety & Wellness provided a Department update (click link to view) to the Board. Mission Public Schools have laid solid foundations and are building a robust safety program.
Accessibility Committee Update
Mission Public Schools we were given 1 year to create an Accessibility plan, which has to be submitted by September 1, 2023. An Accessibility Committee was formed, including representatives from staff, students, parents, advocates, and persons directly impacted by disabilities. A series of issues and barriers were identified and prioritized by the group. The Accessibility Committee provided an update on their work (click link to view).
Quarterly Report, January 1 - March 31, 2023The Board of Education reviewed the report prepared by district departments (click link to view). Staff continue to expand the report and add further information.
Global Education: Student Trip to South Andros, Bahamas, Spring 2024
The Board of Education approved the Application for International Student Travel of 30 students of MSS Global Education 12 (plus 1 Gr 8, and 1 Gr 9 Student) to South Andros, Bahamas on March 16 – April 1, 2024, to build a composting center to help with sustainable farming at South Andros Secondary School.
Cellphone Use Policy
The Board of Education directed staff to develop School District Policy on authorized cell phone usage by employees and students and the Administrative Guidelines to support the policy.
Letter from the Minister of Education and Childcare Singh RE: MSS Replacement was shared for information (click link to view).
Information/Liaison Reports
Trustee Cairns shared a report from BCTF Conference (click link to view).
Board Meeting Highlights | April 18, 2023
Student Biology Costa Rica Trip Follow-UpMSS Teacher Lindsey Colosie and two of her students presented a PowerPoint on behalf of the Biology & Environmental Science Field Research Expedition group that explored Costa Rica in March 2023. Each Student prepared a slide about what they have learned and enjoyed most about the trip.
Human Resources Department Update
The Director of HR presented an overview of the operations of the HR Department this year. The written report has been shared in the Agenda, p. 17-18.
Community Developments 2022
The Secretary-Treasurer provided an annual summary of developments (Agenda, p. 19-20) relevant to MPSD school catchments. Albert McMahon, Mission Central, and West Heights are the three areas staff has been watching closely due to increased growth.
Policy Review:Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Policy 2.0)
The Board of Education thanked Staff, partner groups and Indigenous council for their input, and approved the draft Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Policy 2.0) in principle. The Board directed Staff to initiate the formal public engagement in the review of the draft policy via EngageMPSD portal.
Safe, Caring, and Respectful Schools (Policy 3.0)
The Board of Education approved the draft Safe, Caring, and Respectful Schools (Policy 3.0) in principle and directed Staff to initiate the formal public engagement in the review of the draft policy via EngageMPSD portal.
Safe, Caring, and Respectful Workplaces (Policy 5.0)
The Board of Education approved the draft Safe, Caring, and Respectful Workplaces (Policy 5.0) in principle and directed Staff to initiate the formal public engagement in the review of the draft policy via EngageMPSD portal. Visit the EngageMPSD Policy Review Portal and provide feedback for Staff HERE. The PUBLIC consultation is open until May 30, 2023. Staff will draw 2 random respondents to receive $25 gift card at the end of the review process. This is what the portal looks like when viewed on your device. You will see what projects we have been working on. Clicking on the below image will take you straight to the Policy Review. Board Meeting/Agenda setting Procedure Review
The Board of Education voted to approve the amended Agenda Setting Committee Procedures dated April 2023 and the amended Guidelines for Delegations dated April 2023. The Board further directed Staff to include the text "the board will continue to exercise its authority with respect to recognizing delegations seeking to make any presentations before the board in a manner that affirms its commitment to inclusivity and upholding the values B.C. Human Rights Code, and ensuring orderly meetings of the board." and to refer the policy back to the Board.
Punjabi language class for Elementary schoolsThe Board of Education directed staff to look at the feasibility of initiating a Punjabi Language Class in elementary school or schools and report back to the Board. Staff will also look into feasibility of the secondary level. This interest has been in the community for years. Trustees are looking forward to the report. Many students choose not to take French as a second language, and this gives them another option. Information Items shared in the Agenda: |
Board Meeting Highlights | March 28, 2023
Capital Projects BylawThe Board of Education approved to have the required three (3) readings for Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD75-01, a bylaw for the 2023/2024 Capital Plan, be carried out at one meeting.
The Ministry of Education reviewed all Capital Plan submissions across the participating School Districts to determine priorities for available capital funding in the various programs. MPSD submitted a detailed report outlining the capital funding needs of the School District. The following projects have been approved for funding and required a Bylaw to support the funding. Hatzic Middle School | SEP – Roofing Upgrades | $650,000 | Mission Central Elementary | SEP – Roofing Upgrades | $260,000 | Cherry Hill Elementary | CNCP – HVAC Upgrades | $550,000 |
The following project has been approved for planning purposes. Funding would be approved and included an a funding bylaw once the planning process is complete.
Mission Secondary | Replacement School | Supported for Planning, no funding allocated at this time
Worksafe BC, Supervising for Safety TrainingExempt staff in SD75 are required to complete the Supervising for Safety course. As leaders of the district, the Board believes that safety is paramount and that the Trustees should lead by example and agreed to take the Worksafe BC Supervising for Safety Training by June 30, 2023.
2023/2024 October 23 Calendar adjustmentFollowing review of the instructional minutes and the legislation, it became apparent that the Legislation was not amended with the addition of the new national/BC holiday. With this change, we lost the flexibility of having an extra Non-instructional Day. The Board approved that the 2023-2024 Calendar be adjusted by removing the October 23, 2023 Non-Instructional (extra) day, to achieve sufficient instructional time.
Painting of the White Feather at District Education OfficeThe Board of Education approved a motion for Mission Public Schools to paint the secondary entrance area (East of the Inclusive Walkway), at the front of the School Board Office as a gesture and symbol of solidarity with Indian Residential School Survivors’. The Walkway with ‘White Feather with orange background’ painting would align in the work toward reconciliation and decolonization.
Letter from Minister Singh RE: Healthy School Foods
March 10, 2023: Funding for Replacement Secondary School Announcement:

The Board of Education received some exciting news. It’s been a long time coming, but we are thrilled to share that, NDP MLAs Alexis and D'Eith announced funding to replace Mission Secondary School. Staff will begin work on developing a plan so we can move forward in the development of the school. Read below:
Media Response:
 Note: The above articles are also related to the alleged claims Action4Canada made at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 10, 2023.
Board Meeting Highlights | February 21, 2023
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActThe Board of Education approved the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and Personal Information Policy as amended January 2023. Link to Accessing Information site.
Enrolment ProjectionsEnrolment projections submitted to the Ministry for the year 2023/2024 were shared for information.
Quarterly Report, October - December 31, 2022A report summarizing the last quarter of activities in SD75 was shared for information. Follow the below link:
How are we doing? Reports
Inclusive Education report was summarized for review and the masked version of the Indigenous Education Report has been shared for review via the MPSD website.
Late French Immersion - 2023 / 2024The Board of Education approved THAT the school district transition from providing Intensive Core French beginning in grade 6, to providing Late French Immersion beginning in grade 6, at Windebank Elementary, commencing in September 2023. Additional information will be shared with Parents in the next few days.
Meeting LocationsThe Board of Education approved that the Committee of the Whole meetings will stay virtual and the public board meetings will be held in person and/or hybrid, and directed staff to explore returning public board meetings to rotating school locations, and to explore a hybrid model.
2023/2024 Calendar Adjustment - Spring BreakThe Board of Education approved the adjustment of the school calendar for 2023 / 2024 to change the 10-day Spring Break from March 11-22, 2024 to March 18-28, and April 2, 2024, and to include a Statutory holiday for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on October 2, 2023.
2022-2023 Amended Budget Bylaw
Banning Action4Canada presentations from MeetingsThe Board of Education approved an amended Motion THAT the Board of Education declines to recognize any delegation from Action4Canada or its representatives to present in board meetings and board committee meetings for a period of one year, AND FURTHER THAT, the board will continue to exercise its authority with respect to recognizing delegations seeking to make any presentations before the board in a manner that affirms its commitment to inclusivity and upholding the values of the BC Human Rights Code and ensuring orderly meetings of the board.
Following this, the Board also directed staff to review Policy 1.4 Board Meeting Procedures, specifically section 11.1 Delegations, and to report back to the Board at a future Committee of the Whole meeting. The rationale for these motions was shared in the agenda, following a presentation to the Committee of the Whole A4C had on January 10, 2023.
Board of Education Meeting Highlights | January 17, 2023
Trades Training Advisory Committee - Terms of ReferenceThe Board of Education has decided to continue with the Committee as is. Trustee Hamel will take on the position of the Chair, and Trustee Cairns will be the Vice-Chair. The majority of the Board believes the TTAC is a valuable connection between School District 75 and the professional community.
Board of Education Environmental Steward Certificate AwardThe Board of Education has further discussed initiating the Award and referred to staff to review with schools and determine the feasibility of this initiative.
Renaming Summit Learning Centre to Mission OnlineThe Board of Education approved permitting the Superintendent to vary from the School Name Change Procedure in changing the name of the reduced Grade 7-12 Summit Learning Centre to Mission Online. The Superintendent will be consulting with Staff and students of the Summit Learning Centre next month, before the change is made officially.
Letter to Premier Eby RE: MSS ReplacementThe Board of Education shared the letter sent to Premier Eby with the public.
Board of Education Meeting Highlights | December 13, 2022Presentation: BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food
The Board of Education received the presentation by the BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food and approved formally endorsing the Coalition for Healthy School Food and their advocacy for a universal, cost-shared, with sustained targeted additional funding for a healthy school program for BC and Canada,
Follow-up Letter RE: MSS Replacement The Board of Education will send a follow-up letter to Honourable David Eby, Premier, and Honourable Rachna Singh, Minister of Education, regarding the replacement of Mission Secondary School, to reaffirm the Board's commitment to replacement of Mission Secondary School.
BOE Environmental Steward Certificate AwardTrustee Cairns would like the School District to initiate a Board of Education Environmental Steward Certificate Award to schools or classes that voluntarily participate in walking to school to reduce carbon emissions based on mileage equating to kilo reduction of carbon. The Board rererred the Motion to the Committee of the Whole to get feedback from Staff and partners.
Indigenous-focused BAA course proposalThe Board of Education approved the Indigenous-focused Board Authority (BAA) Course titled Téméxw te í The Land of this Place, to provide a local , Indigenous-focused course as a part of the Graduation Requirement set by the Ministry of Education.

Note to the Public: The purpose of the Regular/ Public meeting is to conduct the business of the Board. Questions can be asked at the end of the meeting, during the Question Period. Questions asked must be related to items discussed on the Agenda. Labour, Land, and Legal issues will not be discussed. Committee of the Whole meetings are to seek clarification on issues, to obtain input from the public, or to provide information to the public. Questions are welcome after each item has been discussed. The Committee of Whole can make recommendations to the Board for consideration and decision.
Board of Education Meeting Highlights | November 15, 2022
Annual Work Plan Review
The Board has reviewed and amended the 2022-2023 Annual Work Plan. The most up-to-date work plan is accessible via the Governance >> Meeting Information & Schedule page. You can view the updated file here.
Quarterly Report, July-September 30, 2022
The Board has received the summary of operations and financial activities of the departments for the first quarter of the school year. The Report has been posted in the Budgets, Financials & Reports section of the website. You can read the full Quarterly Report here.
Updated Travel Expenses Procedure 6.2.1
The Board reviewed the updated procedure and the new Out-of-District Travel Request Form, which has been created to add more transparency and tracking of staff travel requests. Access the procedure and forms here.
Trades Training Advisory Committee (TTAC)
The Board has received the TTAC Report ending June 30, 2022 and has reviewed its recommendations. The Board has referred the Trades Training Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (TOR) to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting on December 6, 2022, to discuss changes to the current TOR.
Trustee Appointments for Committees and Community Liaison Groups 2022-2023
The Board reviewed and approved the Trustee appointments for Committee and Community Liaison Groups for this year.
Amendment to Policy 1.5
The Board approved an amendment to Policy 1.5 Policy Development and Review by inserting the following in section 3, after the first sentence:
"The draft policy, or policy being reviewed, will be forwarded to the Siwal Si’wes Policy Advisory Group, soliciting feedback, and be returned to a Committee of the Whole meeting for consideration of the group’s feedback."
You can read the updated policy here.
HPMS Student travel - Quebec - June 2023
The Board has approved the application for 40+ students from Ecole Heritage Park Middle School's Intensive French and French Immersion to travel to Quebec City (June 24-29, 2023), to further their language and cultural discovery.
A response from Minister Whiteside to the Board's letter RE: MSS Replacement approval
Inaugural meeting of the new Board of Education | November 8, 2022Shortly after 6:30 pm, the elected Trustees (Jash Bains, Randy Cairns, Shelley Carter, Linda Hamel, and Tracy Loffler) took their Oath of Office. Congratulations to our Trustees. We look forward to your work with supporting our students and school district.

Trustee Carter was voted Chair of the Board and Trustee Loffler was voted Vice-Chair.
Board of Education Meeting Highlights | October 18, 2022
Busing IssuesThe Board of Education discussed recent staff shortage and technological issues with our buses.
2018-2022 Trustee Recognition
The Board and Staff expressed gratitude and recognized School District 75 Trustees for their dedicated service: - Trustee Julia Renkema, 1 term
- Trustee Tracy Loffler, 2 terms
- Trustee Shelley Carter, 3 terms
- Trustee Rick McKamey, 4 terms
- Trustee Randy Cairns, 5 terms
Staff and the Board thanked our outgoing Trustees, J. Renkema and R. McKamey for their years of dedication and service to the Mission Public Schools.

Board of Education Special Public Meeting Highlights | September 27, 2022
Early Learning and Child Care Funding Opportunity
The province would like to forward federal funding to School Districts by the end of September. The Board of Education approved for the School District to submit a request for the one time, $175,000, Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Capacity Funding from the Ministry.
2021-2022 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Report
The Board of Education accepted and approved the 2021-2022 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) Report to be submitted to the Ministry. You can read the final report by clicking the link.
2022 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)The Board of Education approved the 2021-2022 Statement of Financial Information. 2022 Annual Report
The Board of Education reviewed, amended and approved the 2022 Annual Report for release before September 30, 2022. You can read the Annual report by clicking the link.
Board of Education Meeting Highlights | September 20, 20222022-2023 Annual Board Work PlanThe Board of Education approved the latest version of the Annual Board Work Plan, which was shared in the Agenda.
Completion of Cade Barr Property SaleThe Secretary-Treasurer shared details with the Board of Education and the Public, now that the sale of the property has concluded. Her report was part of the public Agenda . The property was sold for $700,000. The sale was contingent on the building being removed. The cost of the demolition was $65,619 including $27,000 for contaminated site remediation. Funds received will be allocated to local and restricted capital.
Stó:lo History and the Halq'eméylem Language, Story, and Culture PolicyThe Board of Education approved the new policy 4.4. You can access the Policy HERE. 2023/2024 Minor Capital Project Funding RequestsThe Board of Education approved the submission of the Funding Request to the Ministry of Education
Bus Replacements
| $219,412 | Playgrounds
| $165,000 | SEP Projects | $1,855,000 | CNCP Projects | $550,00 | Total | $2,789,412 |
School Opening ReportThe Superintendent provided that if enrolment stays the same, SD75 is just shy of 6600 students this year. Our schools are nearing capacity at most sites. A few classroom teachers were added to compensate for the growth. Staffing is in better shape than last year, but we are still some staff short. MPSD had a successful recruiting event at SFU. There are currently no Covid-19 restrictions in place.
2021-2022 Audited Financial StatementsThe Board of Education accepted the final audited School District No. 75 (Mission) June 30, 2022 Financial Statements . These will be added to the Annual Report presented to the Board at the Special Public Meeting on September 27, 2022 at 4pm , and will be submitted to the Ministry of Education by September 30.
2022-2023 Borrowing Resolution
The Board of Education approved THAT the Superintendent and Secretary Treasurer be authorized to borrow on behalf of Mission Public School District (School District #75) from the Scotia Bank for the 2022-23 operating year, up to: - $1,500,000 in an Operating Line of Credit
- $750,000 in a revolving term / Scotia leasing.
*This resolution is an annual requirement, and the district has not needed to draw on this funding since the current Senior Staff started with SD75.
Riverside College - potential new programThe Board of Education directed staff to look at the feasibility of developing or partnering with a Post-Secondary Institution for an Environmental Technician Program at Riverside College and provide a report to a Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Updated Land AcknowledgementThe Board of Education adopted an updated land acknowledgement in SD75 communications:
Il stl'i kw'els spipetstexw kw'eset ite xwelmexwelh stexwlaq temxwe's ye Stó:lō mestiyexw.
Mission Public School District is located on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unceded, and Shared lands of the Stó:lō people, of Sq'éwlets, Leq'á:mel, Sema:th, Matheqwí and Qwó:ltl'el First Nations, peoples of this land since time immemorial.
Le Conseil scolaire de Mission est situé sur les terres traditionnelles, ancestrales, non cédées et partagées du peuple Stó:lō, des Premières nations Sq'éwlets, Leq'á:mel, Sema:th, Matheqwí et Qwó:ltl'el, peuples de cette terre depuis des temps immémoriaux. |
Note: Deroche, Dewdney, Silverdale, and Stave Falls Elementary schools now have specific individual acknowledgements. Letter to Premier Horgan, Minister WhitesideThe Board of Education will write a letter to Premier John Horgan and Minister Whiteside, requesting that in light of the anticipated Provincial surplus , that the Province fulfill the NDP government campaign election promise to replace Mission Senior Secondary with a new school.
Trustee Remuneration UpdateThe Board of Education shared that In accordance with Board Policy 1.8 Trustee Remuneration, effective July 1, 2022, trustee remuneration was increased by the BCCPI change between December 2021 and December 2020, a rate increase of 3.92% from the previous year. The annual remuneration for the 2022/2023 school year is as follows:
Trustee Remuneration - July 1, 2022
| Year
| Chair
| Vice-Chair
| Trustee
| 2022
| $20,778
| $18,837
| $17,533
FSA Letter to ParentsThe The Board Chair discussed the significance of the Foundation Skills Assessment in November 2021, after FNESC expressed their need for data and support for the FSA. The Board passed a motion to write a letter to parents explaining how vital the results from these assessments are, as both the Ministry and FNESC rely on the data to support student equity. You can read the letter here. Acknowledgement of the year's Sacred TeachingSpá:th, (the Bear) teaches us alwes (courage). Courage is the ability to face danger, fear, or changes with confidence and bravery. The Bear provides many lessons in the way it lives, but courage is the most important teaching it offers. Though gentle by nature, the ferociousness of a mother Bear, when one of her cubs is approached, is the true definition of courage, as she will fearlessly protect their cubs against larger bears and other dangers. To have the mental and moral strength to overcome fears that prevent us from living our true spirit as human beings is a great challenge that must be met with the same vigour and intensity as a mother Bear protecting her cub. Living of the heart and living of the spirit is difficult, but the Bear's example shows us how to face any danger to achieve these goals. Additionally, the bear also reminds us to be playful and to rest when needed.

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